Module AndroidTVController.android_tv_rc.adb_client

Expand source code
import re
import sys
import shlex
import time
import subprocess
from typing import Any
from .logger import Logger
from .key_codes import KeyCodes

class ADBClient:

    def __init__(self, verbose: bool=False, show_command: bool=False):
        """Pythonic way to execute adb commands on Android TV devices.
        The ADBClient class is used to interact with the ADB command-line tool in Python, allowing for
        communication with Android TV devices in TCP Wireless mode.
        1-Before running you need Android Platform Tools installed and available on your PATH environment variable.
        2-Make sure your computer running the python library and the android device is on the same network.
        3-Enable the USB/Wireless/ADB debugging feature on your android TV device depending on your version & get your TV IP address.
            you can follow this link ``
        Some important resources:
            verbose (bool): The `verbose` parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether or not to
                enable verbose logging. If set to `True`, it will display additional information during the
                execution of the code. If set to `False` (default), it will not display any additional
                information. Defaults to False.
            show_command (bool): The `show_command` parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether or
                not to display the executed ADB commands. If `show_command` is set to `True`, the executed ADB
                commands will be shown. If `show_command` is set to `False`, the executed ADB commands will.
                Defaults to False.
        # logs verbose 
        self.__verbose = verbose
        self.__show_command = show_command
        if self.__verbose:
            Logger.welcome('use ADB command-line tool with python.')
        # adb params
        self.__devices = []
        self.__selected_device = None
        self.__server_process = None
        # start adb server to start sending commands to devices

    def __execute_command(self, command_str: str, blocking: bool=True, include_selected_serial: bool=True) -> Any:
        The function executes a shell command using the adb tool, with the option to run it in blocking
        or non-blocking mode.

            command_str (str): The `command_str` parameter is a string that represents the shell command
                to be executed. It can be any valid adb command or a combination of adb commands.
            blocking (bool): The `blocking` parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether the
                command should be executed synchronously (blocking) or asynchronously (non-blocking). Defaults
                to True.
            include_selected_serial (bool): Whether to include selected device serial in the command, Defaults 
                to True.

            The method `__execute_command` returns the output of the shell command that is executed. If
            the `blocking` parameter is set to `True`, it returns the stdout of the command as a string. If
            `blocking` is set to `False`, it returns a `subprocess.Popen` object.
            OSError: This occurs, for example, when trying to execute a non-existent file.
            ValueError: will be raised if process is called with invalid arguments.
            CalledProcessError: if the called process returns a non-zero return code.
            TimeoutExpired: if the timeout expires before the process exits.
        # adb base command
        command = 'adb '
        # specify a device serial
        if self.__selected_device and include_selected_serial:
            command += f'-s {self.__selected_device} '
        # append the command to base adb
        command += command_str
        # show executed command if needed
        if self.__verbose and self.__show_command:
  '[bold]Command:[/bold] [blue]{command}[/blue]')
        # convert command string to list of splitted tokens
        command_parts = shlex.split(command, posix="win" not in sys.platform)
        if blocking:
            # run the command and waits for full execution
            proc =, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
            return proc.stdout.strip()
            # run the process in background and continue the python script
            return subprocess.Popen(command_parts, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    # ------------------------------[ Server Commands ]------------------------------

    def start_server(self) -> bool:
        The function `start_server` starts an ADB server and waits for it to start up.
            Boolean indicating whether the server is running or not.
        """'Starting ADB server..')
        # start the adb server as background process
        self.__server_process = self.__execute_command('start-server', blocking=False, include_selected_serial=False)
        # give time to start up
        if self.__server_process:
            Logger.success('ADB server is started')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Unable to start ADB server')
            return False

    def kill_server(self) -> bool:
        The function `kill_server` stops the ADB server and terminates any running server process.
            Boolean indicating whether the server is stopped or not.
        """'Stopping ADB server..')
        self.__execute_command('kill-server', include_selected_serial=False)
        if self.__server_process:
            self.__server_process = None
            Logger.success('ADB server is stopped')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'No ADB server process running')
            return False
    def clean(self):
        """Resets and clean"""'Cleaning up')
        self.__devices = []
        self.__selected_device = None
        self.__server_process = None

    # ------------------------------[ Connectivity Commands ]------------------------------

    def connect(self, ip: str) -> bool:
        The function connects to an IP address and raises an error if the connection fails.
            ip (str): The `ip` parameter in the `connect` method is a string that represents the IP
                address of the device you want to connect.
            Boolean: True if the connection succeeded, False if the connection failed.
        """'Connecting to [bold green]{ip}[/bold green] ..')
        result = self.__execute_command(f'connect {ip}', include_selected_serial=False)
        if "connected" in result:
            self.__devices = self.get_devices()
            self.__selected_device = self.__devices[-1]
            Logger.success(f'Device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue] is connected successfully')
            return True
        else: # "failed" in result
            Logger.error(f'Connection with [bold blue]{ip}[/bold blue] failed')
            return False

    def is_connected(self, ip: str) -> bool:
        The function checks if a device with a given IP address is connected to adb server.
            ip (str): The `ip` parameter is a string that represents an IP address.
            Boolean value. It returns True if there is a device in the list of devices with the
            specified IP address, and False otherwise.
        for device in self.__devices:
            if device.split(':')[0] == ip:
                Logger.success(f'Device: [bold blue]{ip}[/bold blue] is connected')
                return True
        Logger.error(f'Device [bold blue]{ip}[/bold blue] is not connected')
        return False

    def disconnect(self) -> bool:
        Disconnect selected device.
            Boolean: True if the device is disconnected.
        """'Disconnecting device..')
        if 'disconnected' in self.__execute_command('disconnect'):
            self.__devices = self.get_devices()
            self.__selected_device = None
            Logger.success(f'Device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue] is disconnected')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Error while disconnecting device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue]')
            return False

    # ------------------------------[ Info Commands ]------------------------------
    def get_devices(self, include_descriptions: bool=True) -> list:
        The function `get_devices` retrieves a list of connected devices, including their IP address,
        serial number, state, and optional descriptions.
            include_descriptions (bool): The `include_descriptions` parameter is a boolean flag that
                determines whether or not to include descriptions for the connected devices. If set to `True`,
                the descriptions will be included in the returned list of devices. If set to `False`, the
                descriptions will be excluded. Defaults to True

            The method `get_devices` returns a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a
            connected device. Each dictionary contains the following keys: 'ip', 'serial_number', 'state',
            and 'description'.
        """'Getting connected devices..')
        self.__devices = []
        command = 'devices'
        if include_descriptions:
            command += ' -l'
        result = self.__execute_command(command, include_selected_serial=False)
        devices = result.split("\n")[1:]'There are [bold green]{len(devices)}[/bold green] connected devices')
        for i, device in enumerate(devices):
            data = device.split()
            serial_number = data[0]
            if self.__verbose:
                Logger.print(f'[bold green]Device[/bold green] ({i+1}): [yellow]{serial_number}[/yellow]')
        return self.__devices
    def select_device(self, device_serial: str) -> bool:
        The function selects a device based on its serial number.
            device_serial (str): The `device_serial` parameter is a string that represents the serial
                number of a device.
            Boolean: True if the device is found and selected.
        if device_serial in self.__devices:
            self.__selected_device = device_serial
            Logger.success(f'Selected device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue]')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Device: [bold blue]{device_serial}[/bold blue] is not found')
            return False
    def get_selected_device(self) -> str|None:
        Get current selected device.
            Selected device serial number. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device:
            Logger.success(f'Selected device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue]')
            Logger.error(f'No device found')
        return self.__selected_device
    def get_device_info(self) -> dict|None:
        The function `get_device_info` retrieves device information.
            Dictionary containing device information. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        device_info = {}
        results = self.execute_shell_command('getprop').split('\n')
        for data in results:
            match = re.match(r"\[([^:]+)\]: \[([^:]+)\]", data)
            if match:
                prop =
                value =
                device_info[prop] = value
                if self.__verbose:
                    Logger.print(f'[bold green]{prop}[/bold green]: [yellow]{value}[/yellow]')
        return device_info
    def get_state(self) -> str|None:
        The function `get_state` returns the state of connected device.
            String represents device state. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        device_state = self.__execute_command('get-state')'Device: ({self.__selected_device}) state is {device_state}')
        return device_state

    def get_serialno(self) -> str|None:
        The function `get_serialno` returns the serial number of a selected device.
            String represents device serial number of the selected device. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        device_serialno = self.__execute_command('get-serialno')'Device Serial number: {device_serialno}')
        return device_serialno

    def get_devpath(self) -> str|None:
        The function `get_devpath` retrieves the device path of a connected Android device'.
            String represents the device path, for example usb:1-4.3 for usb connected device. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        device_devpath = self.__execute_command('get-devpath')'Device dev_path: {device_devpath}')
        return device_devpath
    def get_ip_address(self, interface: str='wlan0') -> str|None:
        The function `get_ip_address` returns the device IP address of a specified network interface.
            interface (str): The `interface` parameter is a string that specifies the network interface to
                retrieve the IP address from. In this case, the default value is set to "wlan0", which is a
                common interface name for wireless LAN connections on Linux-based systems. Defaults to wlan0
            The IP address of the selected device. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        device_ip = ''
        if result := self.execute_shell_command(f'ifconfig {interface}'):
            if match_obj :="inet addr:(.+)  Bcast", result, re.M | re.I):
                device_ip = match_obj[1]
      'Device ip: {device_ip}')
        return device_ip

    # ------------------------------[ File Operations Commands ]------------------------------

    def push(self, local: str, remote: str='/data/local/tmp/') -> bool|None:
        Copy files and directories from the local device (computer) to
        a remote location on the device.
            local (str): The `local` parameter is a string that represents the path of the file or
                directory on the local device (computer) that you want to copy to the remote location on the
            remote (str): The `remote` parameter is a string that specifies the destination location on
                the device where the files or directories from the local device will be copied to. By default,
                the destination location is set to `/data/local/tmp/`, but you can provide a different path if
                needed. Defaults to /data/local/tmp/
            Boolean indicating whether the upload operation was successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
            return'Uploading: [bold green]{local}[/bold green] to [bold green]{remote}[/bold green] ..')
        result = self.__execute_command(f'push {local} {remote}') 
        if '1 file pushed' in result:
            Logger.success(f'File [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] uploaded to [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] successfully')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Uploading [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] to [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] failed')
            return False

    def pull(self, remote: str, local: str, preserve_meta: bool=False) -> bool|None:
        The function `pull` copies remote files and directories to a device, with an option to preserve
        file metadata like time stamp and mode.
            remote (str): The `remote` parameter is a string that represents the path of the remote file
                or directory that you want to copy to the device.
            local (str): The "local" parameter is a string that represents the local directory or file
                path where the remote files and directories will be copied to.
            preserve_meta (bool): The `preserve_meta` parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether
                to preserve the file time stamp and mode during the file transfer process. If `preserve_meta` is
                set to `True`, the `-k` option will be added to the command, indicating that the file time stamp
                and mode should be. Defaults to False
            Boolean indicating whether the download operation was successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = 'pull '
        if preserve_meta:
            command += '-k '
        command += f'{remote} {local}''Downloading: [bold green]{remote}[/bold green] to [bold green]{local}[/bold green] ..')
        result = self.__execute_command(command)
        if '1 file pulled,' in result:
            Logger.success(f'File [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] downloaded to [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] successfully')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Downloading [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] to [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] failed')
            return False

    # ------------------------------[ Apps Operations Commands ]------------------------------

    def is_installed(self, package_name: str) -> bool|None:
        The function checks if the specified package is installed or not.
            package_name (str): The name of the package, for example ''
            Boolean indicates if app is installed or not. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = f'pm list packages'
        app_installed =  package_name in self.execute_shell_command(command)
        if app_installed:
            Logger.success(f'App [bold blue]{package_name}[/bold blue] is installed')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'App [bold blue]{package_name}[/bold blue] is not installed')
            return False
    def install(self, apk_file: str, replace: bool=True) -> bool|None:
        The function installs an APK file on a device, with an option to replace/update an existing
            apk_file (str): The `apk_file` parameter is a string that represents the file path of the APK
                file that you want to install.
            replace (bool): The `replace` parameter is a boolean value that determines whether to replace
                an existing installation of the APK file. If `replace` is set to `True`, the existing
                installation will be replaced. If `replace` is set to `False`, the existing installation will
                not be replaced and an error will. Defaults to True
            Boolean indicates if installation process is successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = 'install '
        if replace:
            command += '-r '
        command += apk_file'Installing APK file [bold green]{apk_file}[/bold green], it will took up to 2 minutes to complete..')
        result = self.__execute_command(command)
        if 'Success' in result:
            Logger.success(f'APK [bold blue]{apk_file}[/bold blue] is installed successfully')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Installation process failed')
            return False

    def uninstall(self, package: str, keep_data: bool=False) -> bool|None:
        The `uninstall` function removes an app package from a device, with an option to keep the data
        and cache directories.
            package (str): The package parameter is a string that represents the app package name that you
                want to uninstall from the device.
            keep_data (bool): A boolean parameter that determines whether to keep the data and cache
                directories of the app package when uninstalling. If set to True, the directories will be kept.
                If set to False (default), the directories will be removed along with the app package. Defaults
                to False
            Boolean indicates if uninstalling process is successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = 'uninstall '
        if keep_data:
            command += '-k '
        command += package
        message = f'Uninstalling package [bold green]{package}[/bold green]'
        message += 'while keeping the data' if keep_data else ''
        message += ', it will took up to 2 minutes to complete..'
        result = self.__execute_command(command)
        if 'Success' in result:
            Logger.success(f'Package [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] is uninstalled successfully')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Uninstalling process failed')
            return False
    def start_app(self, package: str, activity: str, wait: bool=True, stop: bool=True) -> bool|None:
        The function starts an Android app with the specified package and activity, optionally waiting
        for the launch to complete and stopping the app before starting the activity.
            package (str): The package parameter is a string that represents the package name of the
                Android application you want to start. This is typically the unique identifier for the app and
                is specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file of the app.
            activity (str): The "activity" parameter refers to the specific activity or screen within the
                Android app that you want to start. An activity represents a single screen with a user
                interface, and it is the basic building block of an Android app. Each activity has a unique name
                that is specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file
            wait (bool): The "wait" parameter is a boolean value that determines whether the command
                should wait for the launch to complete before returning. If set to True, the command will wait
                for the launch to complete. If set to False, the command will not wait and will return
                immediately after starting the activity. Defaults to True
            stop (bool): The "stop" parameter is a boolean value that determines whether to force stop the
                target app before starting the activity. If it is set to True, the target app will be stopped
                before starting the activity. If it is set to False, the target app will not be stopped.
                Defaults to True
            Boolean indicates if app starting process is successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        # check if app is installed
        if not self.is_installed(package):
            return False
        command = 'am start '
        # wait for launch to complete
        if wait:
            command += '-W '
        if stop: # force stop the target app before starting the activity
            command += '-S '
        command += f'{package}/{activity}''Starting app: [bold green]{package}[/bold green] ..')
        result = self.execute_shell_command(command)
        if 'Error' in result:
            Logger.error(f'Starting app [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] failed')
            return False
            Logger.success(f'App: [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] started successfully')
            return True

    def stop_app(self, package: str) -> bool|None:
        The function stops an Android app with the specified package.
            package (str): The package parameter is a string that represents the package name of the app
                you want to stop.
            Boolean indicates if app stopping process is successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
            return'Stopping app: [bold green]{package}[/bold green] ..')
        result =  self.execute_shell_command(f'am force-stop {package}')
        if 'Error' in result:
            Logger.error(f'Stopping app [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] failed')
            return False
            Logger.success(f'App: [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] stopped successfully')
            return True

    def list_packages(self, package_type: str='all') -> list|None:
        The function "list_packages" lists device android packages, you can also filter package type.
            package_type (str): The `package_type` parameter is a string that specifies the type of
                packages to list. It has a default value of `all` that gets all packages on the device,
                but it can also take the following values: [all | enabled | disabled | system | third-party].
                Defaults to all
            List of packages. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        packages = []
        if self.__selected_device:
            package_type_flags = {'all': '', 'enabled': '-e', 'disabled': '-d', 'system': '-s', 'third-party': '-3'}
            if package_type not in package_type_flags:
                package_type = 'all'
            results = self.execute_shell_command(f'pm list packages {package_type_flags[package_type]}').split("\n")
            packages = sorted([x.replace('package:', '') for x in results])
  'There are [bold green]{len(packages)}[/bold green] [bold blue]{package_type}[/bold blue] packages')
            if self.__verbose:
                for package in packages:
                    Logger.print(f'[bold green]{package}[/bold green]')
        return packages
    def get_package_activities(self, package: str) -> list|None:
        The function `get_package_activities` retrieves the activities associated with a given package
        in order to start the app. this is useful to be able to start the app
            package (str): The "package" parameter is a string that represents the name of the package for
                which you want to retrieve the activities.
            List of package activities. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys package {package}').split()
        activities = []
        for res in results:
            if f'{package}/' in res:
                activity = res.replace('"', '').replace(':', '').replace('}', '').strip()
                if self.__verbose:
                    Logger.print(f'[bold green]{activity}[/bold green]')
        unique_activities = []
        for activity in activities:
            if activity not in unique_activities and activity.startswith(package):
                unique_activities.append(activity)'There are [bold green]{len(unique_activities)}[/bold green] activities for package: {package}')
        return unique_activities

    # ------------------------------[ Device related Commands ]------------------------------

    def reboot(self, mode: str|None=None) -> bool|None:
        The function `reboot` reboots the device with the specified mode, or with no mode if none is
            mode (str|None): The `mode` parameter is a string that specifies the type of reboot to
                perform. It can have one of the following values: [bootloader | recovery | sideload | sideload-auto-reboot]
            Boolean indicates if tv is rebooted successfully. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = 'reboot '
        if mode:
            command += mode'Rebooting TV' + f' in mode [bold green]{mode}[bold green]' if mode else '' + ' ..')
        result =  self.__execute_command(command)
        if 'error' in result:
            Logger.error(f'Rebooting failed')
            return False
            Logger.success(f'Rebooted successfully')
            return True
    def is_powered_on(self) -> bool|None:
        Check if device is working or not. (Power ON/OFF)
            Statues of device power on or off.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
            # results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys power | grep mHoldingDisplaySuspendBlocker') (true, false)
            # results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys power | grep mWakefulness') (Asleep | Awake | Dreaming)
            results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys power | grep "Display Power"')
            return 'ON' in results
    def execute_shell_command(self, command: str) -> str:
        The function executes an adb shell command by calling `adb shell` command.
            command (str): The `command` parameter is a string that represents the shell command that you
                want to execute.
            String of the output results of executing the shell command.
        return self.__execute_command(f'shell {command}')

    # ------------------------------[ Inputs Commands ]------------------------------

    def send_keyevent_input(self, keycode: KeyCodes, long_press: bool=False):
        The function executes an adb shell command to send key event input that simulates pressing button keys.
            keycode (KeyCode): the keycode to send, table of key codes:
            long_press (bool): specify if simulate a long press for the key or not. Defaults to False.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = f'input keyevent {}'
        if long_press:
            command += ' --longpress'
    def send_text_input(self, text: str, encode_spaces: bool=True):
        The function executes an adb shell command to send text input.
            text (str): the text string to send.
            encode_spaces (bool): specify if spaces should be replaced by `%s` or not. Defaults to True.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        processed_text = text.replace(' ', '%s') if encode_spaces else text
        self.execute_shell_command(f'input text {processed_text}')


class ADBClient (verbose: bool = False, show_command: bool = False)

Pythonic way to execute adb commands on Android TV devices.

The ADBClient class is used to interact with the ADB command-line tool in Python, allowing for communication with Android TV devices in TCP Wireless mode. 1-Before running you need Android Platform Tools installed and available on your PATH environment variable. 2-Make sure your computer running the python library and the android device is on the same network. 3-Enable the USB/Wireless/ADB debugging feature on your android TV device depending on your version & get your TV IP address. you can follow this link

Some important resources:


verbose : bool
The verbose parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether or not to enable verbose logging. If set to True, it will display additional information during the execution of the code. If set to False (default), it will not display any additional information. Defaults to False.
show_command : bool
The show_command parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether or not to display the executed ADB commands. If show_command is set to True, the executed ADB commands will be shown. If show_command is set to False, the executed ADB commands will. Defaults to False.
Expand source code
class ADBClient:

    def __init__(self, verbose: bool=False, show_command: bool=False):
        """Pythonic way to execute adb commands on Android TV devices.
        The ADBClient class is used to interact with the ADB command-line tool in Python, allowing for
        communication with Android TV devices in TCP Wireless mode.
        1-Before running you need Android Platform Tools installed and available on your PATH environment variable.
        2-Make sure your computer running the python library and the android device is on the same network.
        3-Enable the USB/Wireless/ADB debugging feature on your android TV device depending on your version & get your TV IP address.
            you can follow this link ``
        Some important resources:
            verbose (bool): The `verbose` parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether or not to
                enable verbose logging. If set to `True`, it will display additional information during the
                execution of the code. If set to `False` (default), it will not display any additional
                information. Defaults to False.
            show_command (bool): The `show_command` parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether or
                not to display the executed ADB commands. If `show_command` is set to `True`, the executed ADB
                commands will be shown. If `show_command` is set to `False`, the executed ADB commands will.
                Defaults to False.
        # logs verbose 
        self.__verbose = verbose
        self.__show_command = show_command
        if self.__verbose:
            Logger.welcome('use ADB command-line tool with python.')
        # adb params
        self.__devices = []
        self.__selected_device = None
        self.__server_process = None
        # start adb server to start sending commands to devices

    def __execute_command(self, command_str: str, blocking: bool=True, include_selected_serial: bool=True) -> Any:
        The function executes a shell command using the adb tool, with the option to run it in blocking
        or non-blocking mode.

            command_str (str): The `command_str` parameter is a string that represents the shell command
                to be executed. It can be any valid adb command or a combination of adb commands.
            blocking (bool): The `blocking` parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether the
                command should be executed synchronously (blocking) or asynchronously (non-blocking). Defaults
                to True.
            include_selected_serial (bool): Whether to include selected device serial in the command, Defaults 
                to True.

            The method `__execute_command` returns the output of the shell command that is executed. If
            the `blocking` parameter is set to `True`, it returns the stdout of the command as a string. If
            `blocking` is set to `False`, it returns a `subprocess.Popen` object.
            OSError: This occurs, for example, when trying to execute a non-existent file.
            ValueError: will be raised if process is called with invalid arguments.
            CalledProcessError: if the called process returns a non-zero return code.
            TimeoutExpired: if the timeout expires before the process exits.
        # adb base command
        command = 'adb '
        # specify a device serial
        if self.__selected_device and include_selected_serial:
            command += f'-s {self.__selected_device} '
        # append the command to base adb
        command += command_str
        # show executed command if needed
        if self.__verbose and self.__show_command:
  '[bold]Command:[/bold] [blue]{command}[/blue]')
        # convert command string to list of splitted tokens
        command_parts = shlex.split(command, posix="win" not in sys.platform)
        if blocking:
            # run the command and waits for full execution
            proc =, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
            return proc.stdout.strip()
            # run the process in background and continue the python script
            return subprocess.Popen(command_parts, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    # ------------------------------[ Server Commands ]------------------------------

    def start_server(self) -> bool:
        The function `start_server` starts an ADB server and waits for it to start up.
            Boolean indicating whether the server is running or not.
        """'Starting ADB server..')
        # start the adb server as background process
        self.__server_process = self.__execute_command('start-server', blocking=False, include_selected_serial=False)
        # give time to start up
        if self.__server_process:
            Logger.success('ADB server is started')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Unable to start ADB server')
            return False

    def kill_server(self) -> bool:
        The function `kill_server` stops the ADB server and terminates any running server process.
            Boolean indicating whether the server is stopped or not.
        """'Stopping ADB server..')
        self.__execute_command('kill-server', include_selected_serial=False)
        if self.__server_process:
            self.__server_process = None
            Logger.success('ADB server is stopped')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'No ADB server process running')
            return False
    def clean(self):
        """Resets and clean"""'Cleaning up')
        self.__devices = []
        self.__selected_device = None
        self.__server_process = None

    # ------------------------------[ Connectivity Commands ]------------------------------

    def connect(self, ip: str) -> bool:
        The function connects to an IP address and raises an error if the connection fails.
            ip (str): The `ip` parameter in the `connect` method is a string that represents the IP
                address of the device you want to connect.
            Boolean: True if the connection succeeded, False if the connection failed.
        """'Connecting to [bold green]{ip}[/bold green] ..')
        result = self.__execute_command(f'connect {ip}', include_selected_serial=False)
        if "connected" in result:
            self.__devices = self.get_devices()
            self.__selected_device = self.__devices[-1]
            Logger.success(f'Device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue] is connected successfully')
            return True
        else: # "failed" in result
            Logger.error(f'Connection with [bold blue]{ip}[/bold blue] failed')
            return False

    def is_connected(self, ip: str) -> bool:
        The function checks if a device with a given IP address is connected to adb server.
            ip (str): The `ip` parameter is a string that represents an IP address.
            Boolean value. It returns True if there is a device in the list of devices with the
            specified IP address, and False otherwise.
        for device in self.__devices:
            if device.split(':')[0] == ip:
                Logger.success(f'Device: [bold blue]{ip}[/bold blue] is connected')
                return True
        Logger.error(f'Device [bold blue]{ip}[/bold blue] is not connected')
        return False

    def disconnect(self) -> bool:
        Disconnect selected device.
            Boolean: True if the device is disconnected.
        """'Disconnecting device..')
        if 'disconnected' in self.__execute_command('disconnect'):
            self.__devices = self.get_devices()
            self.__selected_device = None
            Logger.success(f'Device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue] is disconnected')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Error while disconnecting device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue]')
            return False

    # ------------------------------[ Info Commands ]------------------------------
    def get_devices(self, include_descriptions: bool=True) -> list:
        The function `get_devices` retrieves a list of connected devices, including their IP address,
        serial number, state, and optional descriptions.
            include_descriptions (bool): The `include_descriptions` parameter is a boolean flag that
                determines whether or not to include descriptions for the connected devices. If set to `True`,
                the descriptions will be included in the returned list of devices. If set to `False`, the
                descriptions will be excluded. Defaults to True

            The method `get_devices` returns a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a
            connected device. Each dictionary contains the following keys: 'ip', 'serial_number', 'state',
            and 'description'.
        """'Getting connected devices..')
        self.__devices = []
        command = 'devices'
        if include_descriptions:
            command += ' -l'
        result = self.__execute_command(command, include_selected_serial=False)
        devices = result.split("\n")[1:]'There are [bold green]{len(devices)}[/bold green] connected devices')
        for i, device in enumerate(devices):
            data = device.split()
            serial_number = data[0]
            if self.__verbose:
                Logger.print(f'[bold green]Device[/bold green] ({i+1}): [yellow]{serial_number}[/yellow]')
        return self.__devices
    def select_device(self, device_serial: str) -> bool:
        The function selects a device based on its serial number.
            device_serial (str): The `device_serial` parameter is a string that represents the serial
                number of a device.
            Boolean: True if the device is found and selected.
        if device_serial in self.__devices:
            self.__selected_device = device_serial
            Logger.success(f'Selected device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue]')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Device: [bold blue]{device_serial}[/bold blue] is not found')
            return False
    def get_selected_device(self) -> str|None:
        Get current selected device.
            Selected device serial number. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device:
            Logger.success(f'Selected device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue]')
            Logger.error(f'No device found')
        return self.__selected_device
    def get_device_info(self) -> dict|None:
        The function `get_device_info` retrieves device information.
            Dictionary containing device information. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        device_info = {}
        results = self.execute_shell_command('getprop').split('\n')
        for data in results:
            match = re.match(r"\[([^:]+)\]: \[([^:]+)\]", data)
            if match:
                prop =
                value =
                device_info[prop] = value
                if self.__verbose:
                    Logger.print(f'[bold green]{prop}[/bold green]: [yellow]{value}[/yellow]')
        return device_info
    def get_state(self) -> str|None:
        The function `get_state` returns the state of connected device.
            String represents device state. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        device_state = self.__execute_command('get-state')'Device: ({self.__selected_device}) state is {device_state}')
        return device_state

    def get_serialno(self) -> str|None:
        The function `get_serialno` returns the serial number of a selected device.
            String represents device serial number of the selected device. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        device_serialno = self.__execute_command('get-serialno')'Device Serial number: {device_serialno}')
        return device_serialno

    def get_devpath(self) -> str|None:
        The function `get_devpath` retrieves the device path of a connected Android device'.
            String represents the device path, for example usb:1-4.3 for usb connected device. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        device_devpath = self.__execute_command('get-devpath')'Device dev_path: {device_devpath}')
        return device_devpath
    def get_ip_address(self, interface: str='wlan0') -> str|None:
        The function `get_ip_address` returns the device IP address of a specified network interface.
            interface (str): The `interface` parameter is a string that specifies the network interface to
                retrieve the IP address from. In this case, the default value is set to "wlan0", which is a
                common interface name for wireless LAN connections on Linux-based systems. Defaults to wlan0
            The IP address of the selected device. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        device_ip = ''
        if result := self.execute_shell_command(f'ifconfig {interface}'):
            if match_obj :="inet addr:(.+)  Bcast", result, re.M | re.I):
                device_ip = match_obj[1]
      'Device ip: {device_ip}')
        return device_ip

    # ------------------------------[ File Operations Commands ]------------------------------

    def push(self, local: str, remote: str='/data/local/tmp/') -> bool|None:
        Copy files and directories from the local device (computer) to
        a remote location on the device.
            local (str): The `local` parameter is a string that represents the path of the file or
                directory on the local device (computer) that you want to copy to the remote location on the
            remote (str): The `remote` parameter is a string that specifies the destination location on
                the device where the files or directories from the local device will be copied to. By default,
                the destination location is set to `/data/local/tmp/`, but you can provide a different path if
                needed. Defaults to /data/local/tmp/
            Boolean indicating whether the upload operation was successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
            return'Uploading: [bold green]{local}[/bold green] to [bold green]{remote}[/bold green] ..')
        result = self.__execute_command(f'push {local} {remote}') 
        if '1 file pushed' in result:
            Logger.success(f'File [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] uploaded to [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] successfully')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Uploading [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] to [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] failed')
            return False

    def pull(self, remote: str, local: str, preserve_meta: bool=False) -> bool|None:
        The function `pull` copies remote files and directories to a device, with an option to preserve
        file metadata like time stamp and mode.
            remote (str): The `remote` parameter is a string that represents the path of the remote file
                or directory that you want to copy to the device.
            local (str): The "local" parameter is a string that represents the local directory or file
                path where the remote files and directories will be copied to.
            preserve_meta (bool): The `preserve_meta` parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether
                to preserve the file time stamp and mode during the file transfer process. If `preserve_meta` is
                set to `True`, the `-k` option will be added to the command, indicating that the file time stamp
                and mode should be. Defaults to False
            Boolean indicating whether the download operation was successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = 'pull '
        if preserve_meta:
            command += '-k '
        command += f'{remote} {local}''Downloading: [bold green]{remote}[/bold green] to [bold green]{local}[/bold green] ..')
        result = self.__execute_command(command)
        if '1 file pulled,' in result:
            Logger.success(f'File [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] downloaded to [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] successfully')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Downloading [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] to [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] failed')
            return False

    # ------------------------------[ Apps Operations Commands ]------------------------------

    def is_installed(self, package_name: str) -> bool|None:
        The function checks if the specified package is installed or not.
            package_name (str): The name of the package, for example ''
            Boolean indicates if app is installed or not. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = f'pm list packages'
        app_installed =  package_name in self.execute_shell_command(command)
        if app_installed:
            Logger.success(f'App [bold blue]{package_name}[/bold blue] is installed')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'App [bold blue]{package_name}[/bold blue] is not installed')
            return False
    def install(self, apk_file: str, replace: bool=True) -> bool|None:
        The function installs an APK file on a device, with an option to replace/update an existing
            apk_file (str): The `apk_file` parameter is a string that represents the file path of the APK
                file that you want to install.
            replace (bool): The `replace` parameter is a boolean value that determines whether to replace
                an existing installation of the APK file. If `replace` is set to `True`, the existing
                installation will be replaced. If `replace` is set to `False`, the existing installation will
                not be replaced and an error will. Defaults to True
            Boolean indicates if installation process is successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = 'install '
        if replace:
            command += '-r '
        command += apk_file'Installing APK file [bold green]{apk_file}[/bold green], it will took up to 2 minutes to complete..')
        result = self.__execute_command(command)
        if 'Success' in result:
            Logger.success(f'APK [bold blue]{apk_file}[/bold blue] is installed successfully')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Installation process failed')
            return False

    def uninstall(self, package: str, keep_data: bool=False) -> bool|None:
        The `uninstall` function removes an app package from a device, with an option to keep the data
        and cache directories.
            package (str): The package parameter is a string that represents the app package name that you
                want to uninstall from the device.
            keep_data (bool): A boolean parameter that determines whether to keep the data and cache
                directories of the app package when uninstalling. If set to True, the directories will be kept.
                If set to False (default), the directories will be removed along with the app package. Defaults
                to False
            Boolean indicates if uninstalling process is successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = 'uninstall '
        if keep_data:
            command += '-k '
        command += package
        message = f'Uninstalling package [bold green]{package}[/bold green]'
        message += 'while keeping the data' if keep_data else ''
        message += ', it will took up to 2 minutes to complete..'
        result = self.__execute_command(command)
        if 'Success' in result:
            Logger.success(f'Package [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] is uninstalled successfully')
            return True
            Logger.error(f'Uninstalling process failed')
            return False
    def start_app(self, package: str, activity: str, wait: bool=True, stop: bool=True) -> bool|None:
        The function starts an Android app with the specified package and activity, optionally waiting
        for the launch to complete and stopping the app before starting the activity.
            package (str): The package parameter is a string that represents the package name of the
                Android application you want to start. This is typically the unique identifier for the app and
                is specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file of the app.
            activity (str): The "activity" parameter refers to the specific activity or screen within the
                Android app that you want to start. An activity represents a single screen with a user
                interface, and it is the basic building block of an Android app. Each activity has a unique name
                that is specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file
            wait (bool): The "wait" parameter is a boolean value that determines whether the command
                should wait for the launch to complete before returning. If set to True, the command will wait
                for the launch to complete. If set to False, the command will not wait and will return
                immediately after starting the activity. Defaults to True
            stop (bool): The "stop" parameter is a boolean value that determines whether to force stop the
                target app before starting the activity. If it is set to True, the target app will be stopped
                before starting the activity. If it is set to False, the target app will not be stopped.
                Defaults to True
            Boolean indicates if app starting process is successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        # check if app is installed
        if not self.is_installed(package):
            return False
        command = 'am start '
        # wait for launch to complete
        if wait:
            command += '-W '
        if stop: # force stop the target app before starting the activity
            command += '-S '
        command += f'{package}/{activity}''Starting app: [bold green]{package}[/bold green] ..')
        result = self.execute_shell_command(command)
        if 'Error' in result:
            Logger.error(f'Starting app [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] failed')
            return False
            Logger.success(f'App: [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] started successfully')
            return True

    def stop_app(self, package: str) -> bool|None:
        The function stops an Android app with the specified package.
            package (str): The package parameter is a string that represents the package name of the app
                you want to stop.
            Boolean indicates if app stopping process is successful. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
            return'Stopping app: [bold green]{package}[/bold green] ..')
        result =  self.execute_shell_command(f'am force-stop {package}')
        if 'Error' in result:
            Logger.error(f'Stopping app [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] failed')
            return False
            Logger.success(f'App: [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] stopped successfully')
            return True

    def list_packages(self, package_type: str='all') -> list|None:
        The function "list_packages" lists device android packages, you can also filter package type.
            package_type (str): The `package_type` parameter is a string that specifies the type of
                packages to list. It has a default value of `all` that gets all packages on the device,
                but it can also take the following values: [all | enabled | disabled | system | third-party].
                Defaults to all
            List of packages. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        packages = []
        if self.__selected_device:
            package_type_flags = {'all': '', 'enabled': '-e', 'disabled': '-d', 'system': '-s', 'third-party': '-3'}
            if package_type not in package_type_flags:
                package_type = 'all'
            results = self.execute_shell_command(f'pm list packages {package_type_flags[package_type]}').split("\n")
            packages = sorted([x.replace('package:', '') for x in results])
  'There are [bold green]{len(packages)}[/bold green] [bold blue]{package_type}[/bold blue] packages')
            if self.__verbose:
                for package in packages:
                    Logger.print(f'[bold green]{package}[/bold green]')
        return packages
    def get_package_activities(self, package: str) -> list|None:
        The function `get_package_activities` retrieves the activities associated with a given package
        in order to start the app. this is useful to be able to start the app
            package (str): The "package" parameter is a string that represents the name of the package for
                which you want to retrieve the activities.
            List of package activities. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys package {package}').split()
        activities = []
        for res in results:
            if f'{package}/' in res:
                activity = res.replace('"', '').replace(':', '').replace('}', '').strip()
                if self.__verbose:
                    Logger.print(f'[bold green]{activity}[/bold green]')
        unique_activities = []
        for activity in activities:
            if activity not in unique_activities and activity.startswith(package):
                unique_activities.append(activity)'There are [bold green]{len(unique_activities)}[/bold green] activities for package: {package}')
        return unique_activities

    # ------------------------------[ Device related Commands ]------------------------------

    def reboot(self, mode: str|None=None) -> bool|None:
        The function `reboot` reboots the device with the specified mode, or with no mode if none is
            mode (str|None): The `mode` parameter is a string that specifies the type of reboot to
                perform. It can have one of the following values: [bootloader | recovery | sideload | sideload-auto-reboot]
            Boolean indicates if tv is rebooted successfully. `None` if no device found.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = 'reboot '
        if mode:
            command += mode'Rebooting TV' + f' in mode [bold green]{mode}[bold green]' if mode else '' + ' ..')
        result =  self.__execute_command(command)
        if 'error' in result:
            Logger.error(f'Rebooting failed')
            return False
            Logger.success(f'Rebooted successfully')
            return True
    def is_powered_on(self) -> bool|None:
        Check if device is working or not. (Power ON/OFF)
            Statues of device power on or off.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
            # results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys power | grep mHoldingDisplaySuspendBlocker') (true, false)
            # results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys power | grep mWakefulness') (Asleep | Awake | Dreaming)
            results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys power | grep "Display Power"')
            return 'ON' in results
    def execute_shell_command(self, command: str) -> str:
        The function executes an adb shell command by calling `adb shell` command.
            command (str): The `command` parameter is a string that represents the shell command that you
                want to execute.
            String of the output results of executing the shell command.
        return self.__execute_command(f'shell {command}')

    # ------------------------------[ Inputs Commands ]------------------------------

    def send_keyevent_input(self, keycode: KeyCodes, long_press: bool=False):
        The function executes an adb shell command to send key event input that simulates pressing button keys.
            keycode (KeyCode): the keycode to send, table of key codes:
            long_press (bool): specify if simulate a long press for the key or not. Defaults to False.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        command = f'input keyevent {}'
        if long_press:
            command += ' --longpress'
    def send_text_input(self, text: str, encode_spaces: bool=True):
        The function executes an adb shell command to send text input.
            text (str): the text string to send.
            encode_spaces (bool): specify if spaces should be replaced by `%s` or not. Defaults to True.
        if self.__selected_device is None:
        processed_text = text.replace(' ', '%s') if encode_spaces else text
        self.execute_shell_command(f'input text {processed_text}')


def clean(self)

Resets and clean

Expand source code
def clean(self):
    """Resets and clean"""'Cleaning up')
    self.__devices = []
    self.__selected_device = None
    self.__server_process = None
def connect(self, ip: str) ‑> bool

The function connects to an IP address and raises an error if the connection fails.


ip : str
The ip parameter in the connect method is a string that represents the IP address of the device you want to connect.


True if the connection succeeded, False if the connection failed.
Expand source code
def connect(self, ip: str) -> bool:
    The function connects to an IP address and raises an error if the connection fails.
        ip (str): The `ip` parameter in the `connect` method is a string that represents the IP
            address of the device you want to connect.
        Boolean: True if the connection succeeded, False if the connection failed.
    """'Connecting to [bold green]{ip}[/bold green] ..')
    result = self.__execute_command(f'connect {ip}', include_selected_serial=False)
    if "connected" in result:
        self.__devices = self.get_devices()
        self.__selected_device = self.__devices[-1]
        Logger.success(f'Device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue] is connected successfully')
        return True
    else: # "failed" in result
        Logger.error(f'Connection with [bold blue]{ip}[/bold blue] failed')
        return False
def disconnect(self) ‑> bool

Disconnect selected device.


True if the device is disconnected.
Expand source code
def disconnect(self) -> bool:
    Disconnect selected device.
        Boolean: True if the device is disconnected.
    """'Disconnecting device..')
    if 'disconnected' in self.__execute_command('disconnect'):
        self.__devices = self.get_devices()
        self.__selected_device = None
        Logger.success(f'Device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue] is disconnected')
        return True
        Logger.error(f'Error while disconnecting device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue]')
        return False
def execute_shell_command(self, command: str) ‑> str

The function executes an adb shell command by calling adb shell command.


command : str
The command parameter is a string that represents the shell command that you want to execute.


String of the output results of executing the shell command.

Expand source code
def execute_shell_command(self, command: str) -> str:
    The function executes an adb shell command by calling `adb shell` command.
        command (str): The `command` parameter is a string that represents the shell command that you
            want to execute.
        String of the output results of executing the shell command.
    return self.__execute_command(f'shell {command}')
def get_device_info(self) ‑> dict | None

The function get_device_info retrieves device information.


Dictionary containing device information. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def get_device_info(self) -> dict|None:
    The function `get_device_info` retrieves device information.
        Dictionary containing device information. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    device_info = {}
    results = self.execute_shell_command('getprop').split('\n')
    for data in results:
        match = re.match(r"\[([^:]+)\]: \[([^:]+)\]", data)
        if match:
            prop =
            value =
            device_info[prop] = value
            if self.__verbose:
                Logger.print(f'[bold green]{prop}[/bold green]: [yellow]{value}[/yellow]')
    return device_info
def get_devices(self, include_descriptions: bool = True) ‑> list

The function get_devices retrieves a list of connected devices, including their IP address, serial number, state, and optional descriptions.


include_descriptions : bool
The include_descriptions parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether or not to include descriptions for the connected devices. If set to True, the descriptions will be included in the returned list of devices. If set to False, the descriptions will be excluded. Defaults to True


The method get_devices returns a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a
connected device. Each dictionary contains the following keys
'ip', 'serial_number', 'state',

and 'description'.

Expand source code
def get_devices(self, include_descriptions: bool=True) -> list:
    The function `get_devices` retrieves a list of connected devices, including their IP address,
    serial number, state, and optional descriptions.
        include_descriptions (bool): The `include_descriptions` parameter is a boolean flag that
            determines whether or not to include descriptions for the connected devices. If set to `True`,
            the descriptions will be included in the returned list of devices. If set to `False`, the
            descriptions will be excluded. Defaults to True

        The method `get_devices` returns a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a
        connected device. Each dictionary contains the following keys: 'ip', 'serial_number', 'state',
        and 'description'.
    """'Getting connected devices..')
    self.__devices = []
    command = 'devices'
    if include_descriptions:
        command += ' -l'
    result = self.__execute_command(command, include_selected_serial=False)
    devices = result.split("\n")[1:]'There are [bold green]{len(devices)}[/bold green] connected devices')
    for i, device in enumerate(devices):
        data = device.split()
        serial_number = data[0]
        if self.__verbose:
            Logger.print(f'[bold green]Device[/bold green] ({i+1}): [yellow]{serial_number}[/yellow]')
    return self.__devices
def get_devpath(self) ‑> str | None

The function get_devpath retrieves the device path of a connected Android device'.


String represents the device path, for example usb:1-4.3 for usb connected device. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def get_devpath(self) -> str|None:
    The function `get_devpath` retrieves the device path of a connected Android device'.
        String represents the device path, for example usb:1-4.3 for usb connected device. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    device_devpath = self.__execute_command('get-devpath')'Device dev_path: {device_devpath}')
    return device_devpath
def get_ip_address(self, interface: str = 'wlan0') ‑> str | None

The function get_ip_address returns the device IP address of a specified network interface.


interface : str
The interface parameter is a string that specifies the network interface to retrieve the IP address from. In this case, the default value is set to "wlan0", which is a common interface name for wireless LAN connections on Linux-based systems. Defaults to wlan0


The IP address of the selected device. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def get_ip_address(self, interface: str='wlan0') -> str|None:
    The function `get_ip_address` returns the device IP address of a specified network interface.
        interface (str): The `interface` parameter is a string that specifies the network interface to
            retrieve the IP address from. In this case, the default value is set to "wlan0", which is a
            common interface name for wireless LAN connections on Linux-based systems. Defaults to wlan0
        The IP address of the selected device. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    device_ip = ''
    if result := self.execute_shell_command(f'ifconfig {interface}'):
        if match_obj :="inet addr:(.+)  Bcast", result, re.M | re.I):
            device_ip = match_obj[1]
  'Device ip: {device_ip}')
    return device_ip
def get_package_activities(self, package: str) ‑> list | None

The function get_package_activities retrieves the activities associated with a given package in order to start the app. this is useful to be able to start the app


package : str
The "package" parameter is a string that represents the name of the package for which you want to retrieve the activities.


List of package activities. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def get_package_activities(self, package: str) -> list|None:
    The function `get_package_activities` retrieves the activities associated with a given package
    in order to start the app. this is useful to be able to start the app
        package (str): The "package" parameter is a string that represents the name of the package for
            which you want to retrieve the activities.
        List of package activities. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys package {package}').split()
    activities = []
    for res in results:
        if f'{package}/' in res:
            activity = res.replace('"', '').replace(':', '').replace('}', '').strip()
            if self.__verbose:
                Logger.print(f'[bold green]{activity}[/bold green]')
    unique_activities = []
    for activity in activities:
        if activity not in unique_activities and activity.startswith(package):
            unique_activities.append(activity)'There are [bold green]{len(unique_activities)}[/bold green] activities for package: {package}')
    return unique_activities
def get_selected_device(self) ‑> str | None

Get current selected device.


Selected device serial number. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def get_selected_device(self) -> str|None:
    Get current selected device.
        Selected device serial number. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device:
        Logger.success(f'Selected device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue]')
        Logger.error(f'No device found')
    return self.__selected_device
def get_serialno(self) ‑> str | None

The function get_serialno returns the serial number of a selected device.


String represents device serial number of the selected device. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def get_serialno(self) -> str|None:
    The function `get_serialno` returns the serial number of a selected device.
        String represents device serial number of the selected device. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    device_serialno = self.__execute_command('get-serialno')'Device Serial number: {device_serialno}')
    return device_serialno
def get_state(self) ‑> str | None

The function get_state returns the state of connected device.


String represents device state. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def get_state(self) -> str|None:
    The function `get_state` returns the state of connected device.
        String represents device state. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    device_state = self.__execute_command('get-state')'Device: ({self.__selected_device}) state is {device_state}')
    return device_state
def install(self, apk_file: str, replace: bool = True) ‑> bool | None

The function installs an APK file on a device, with an option to replace/update an existing installation.


apk_file : str
The apk_file parameter is a string that represents the file path of the APK file that you want to install.
replace : bool
The replace parameter is a boolean value that determines whether to replace an existing installation of the APK file. If replace is set to True, the existing installation will be replaced. If replace is set to False, the existing installation will not be replaced and an error will. Defaults to True


Boolean indicates if installation process is successful. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def install(self, apk_file: str, replace: bool=True) -> bool|None:
    The function installs an APK file on a device, with an option to replace/update an existing
        apk_file (str): The `apk_file` parameter is a string that represents the file path of the APK
            file that you want to install.
        replace (bool): The `replace` parameter is a boolean value that determines whether to replace
            an existing installation of the APK file. If `replace` is set to `True`, the existing
            installation will be replaced. If `replace` is set to `False`, the existing installation will
            not be replaced and an error will. Defaults to True
        Boolean indicates if installation process is successful. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    command = 'install '
    if replace:
        command += '-r '
    command += apk_file'Installing APK file [bold green]{apk_file}[/bold green], it will took up to 2 minutes to complete..')
    result = self.__execute_command(command)
    if 'Success' in result:
        Logger.success(f'APK [bold blue]{apk_file}[/bold blue] is installed successfully')
        return True
        Logger.error(f'Installation process failed')
        return False
def is_connected(self, ip: str) ‑> bool

The function checks if a device with a given IP address is connected to adb server.


ip : str
The ip parameter is a string that represents an IP address.


Boolean value. It returns True if there is a device in the list of devices with the specified IP address, and False otherwise.

Expand source code
def is_connected(self, ip: str) -> bool:
    The function checks if a device with a given IP address is connected to adb server.
        ip (str): The `ip` parameter is a string that represents an IP address.
        Boolean value. It returns True if there is a device in the list of devices with the
        specified IP address, and False otherwise.
    for device in self.__devices:
        if device.split(':')[0] == ip:
            Logger.success(f'Device: [bold blue]{ip}[/bold blue] is connected')
            return True
    Logger.error(f'Device [bold blue]{ip}[/bold blue] is not connected')
    return False
def is_installed(self, package_name: str) ‑> bool | None

The function checks if the specified package is installed or not.


package_name : str
The name of the package, for example ''


Boolean indicates if app is installed or not. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def is_installed(self, package_name: str) -> bool|None:
    The function checks if the specified package is installed or not.
        package_name (str): The name of the package, for example ''
        Boolean indicates if app is installed or not. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    command = f'pm list packages'
    app_installed =  package_name in self.execute_shell_command(command)
    if app_installed:
        Logger.success(f'App [bold blue]{package_name}[/bold blue] is installed')
        return True
        Logger.error(f'App [bold blue]{package_name}[/bold blue] is not installed')
        return False
def is_powered_on(self) ‑> bool | None

Check if device is working or not. (Power ON/OFF)


Statues of device power on or off.

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def is_powered_on(self) -> bool|None:
    Check if device is working or not. (Power ON/OFF)
        Statues of device power on or off.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
        # results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys power | grep mHoldingDisplaySuspendBlocker') (true, false)
        # results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys power | grep mWakefulness') (Asleep | Awake | Dreaming)
        results = self.execute_shell_command(f'dumpsys power | grep "Display Power"')
        return 'ON' in results
def kill_server(self) ‑> bool

The function kill_server stops the ADB server and terminates any running server process.


Boolean indicating whether the server is stopped or not.

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def kill_server(self) -> bool:
    The function `kill_server` stops the ADB server and terminates any running server process.
        Boolean indicating whether the server is stopped or not.
    """'Stopping ADB server..')
    self.__execute_command('kill-server', include_selected_serial=False)
    if self.__server_process:
        self.__server_process = None
        Logger.success('ADB server is stopped')
        return True
        Logger.error(f'No ADB server process running')
        return False
def list_packages(self, package_type: str = 'all') ‑> list | None

The function "list_packages" lists device android packages, you can also filter package type.


package_type : str
The package_type parameter is a string that specifies the type of packages to list. It has a default value of all that gets all packages on the device, but it can also take the following values: [all | enabled | disabled | system | third-party]. Defaults to all


List of packages. None if no device found.

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def list_packages(self, package_type: str='all') -> list|None:
    The function "list_packages" lists device android packages, you can also filter package type.
        package_type (str): The `package_type` parameter is a string that specifies the type of
            packages to list. It has a default value of `all` that gets all packages on the device,
            but it can also take the following values: [all | enabled | disabled | system | third-party].
            Defaults to all
        List of packages. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    packages = []
    if self.__selected_device:
        package_type_flags = {'all': '', 'enabled': '-e', 'disabled': '-d', 'system': '-s', 'third-party': '-3'}
        if package_type not in package_type_flags:
            package_type = 'all'
        results = self.execute_shell_command(f'pm list packages {package_type_flags[package_type]}').split("\n")
        packages = sorted([x.replace('package:', '') for x in results])'There are [bold green]{len(packages)}[/bold green] [bold blue]{package_type}[/bold blue] packages')
        if self.__verbose:
            for package in packages:
                Logger.print(f'[bold green]{package}[/bold green]')
    return packages
def pull(self, remote: str, local: str, preserve_meta: bool = False) ‑> bool | None

The function pull copies remote files and directories to a device, with an option to preserve file metadata like time stamp and mode.


remote : str
The remote parameter is a string that represents the path of the remote file or directory that you want to copy to the device.
local : str
The "local" parameter is a string that represents the local directory or file path where the remote files and directories will be copied to.
preserve_meta : bool
The preserve_meta parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether to preserve the file time stamp and mode during the file transfer process. If preserve_meta is set to True, the -k option will be added to the command, indicating that the file time stamp and mode should be. Defaults to False


Boolean indicating whether the download operation was successful. None if no device found.

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def pull(self, remote: str, local: str, preserve_meta: bool=False) -> bool|None:
    The function `pull` copies remote files and directories to a device, with an option to preserve
    file metadata like time stamp and mode.
        remote (str): The `remote` parameter is a string that represents the path of the remote file
            or directory that you want to copy to the device.
        local (str): The "local" parameter is a string that represents the local directory or file
            path where the remote files and directories will be copied to.
        preserve_meta (bool): The `preserve_meta` parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether
            to preserve the file time stamp and mode during the file transfer process. If `preserve_meta` is
            set to `True`, the `-k` option will be added to the command, indicating that the file time stamp
            and mode should be. Defaults to False
        Boolean indicating whether the download operation was successful. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    command = 'pull '
    if preserve_meta:
        command += '-k '
    command += f'{remote} {local}''Downloading: [bold green]{remote}[/bold green] to [bold green]{local}[/bold green] ..')
    result = self.__execute_command(command)
    if '1 file pulled,' in result:
        Logger.success(f'File [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] downloaded to [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] successfully')
        return True
        Logger.error(f'Downloading [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] to [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] failed')
        return False
def push(self, local: str, remote: str = '/data/local/tmp/') ‑> bool | None

Copy files and directories from the local device (computer) to a remote location on the device.


local : str
The local parameter is a string that represents the path of the file or directory on the local device (computer) that you want to copy to the remote location on the device.
remote : str
The remote parameter is a string that specifies the destination location on the device where the files or directories from the local device will be copied to. By default, the destination location is set to /data/local/tmp/, but you can provide a different path if needed. Defaults to /data/local/tmp/


Boolean indicating whether the upload operation was successful. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def push(self, local: str, remote: str='/data/local/tmp/') -> bool|None:
    Copy files and directories from the local device (computer) to
    a remote location on the device.
        local (str): The `local` parameter is a string that represents the path of the file or
            directory on the local device (computer) that you want to copy to the remote location on the
        remote (str): The `remote` parameter is a string that specifies the destination location on
            the device where the files or directories from the local device will be copied to. By default,
            the destination location is set to `/data/local/tmp/`, but you can provide a different path if
            needed. Defaults to /data/local/tmp/
        Boolean indicating whether the upload operation was successful. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
        return'Uploading: [bold green]{local}[/bold green] to [bold green]{remote}[/bold green] ..')
    result = self.__execute_command(f'push {local} {remote}') 
    if '1 file pushed' in result:
        Logger.success(f'File [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] uploaded to [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] successfully')
        return True
        Logger.error(f'Uploading [bold blue]{local}[/bold blue] to [bold blue]{remote}[/bold blue] failed')
        return False
def reboot(self, mode: str | None = None) ‑> bool | None

The function reboot reboots the device with the specified mode, or with no mode if none is provided.


mode (str|None): The mode parameter is a string that specifies the type of reboot to perform. It can have one of the following values: [bootloader | recovery | sideload | sideload-auto-reboot]


Boolean indicates if tv is rebooted successfully. None if no device found.

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def reboot(self, mode: str|None=None) -> bool|None:
    The function `reboot` reboots the device with the specified mode, or with no mode if none is
        mode (str|None): The `mode` parameter is a string that specifies the type of reboot to
            perform. It can have one of the following values: [bootloader | recovery | sideload | sideload-auto-reboot]
        Boolean indicates if tv is rebooted successfully. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    command = 'reboot '
    if mode:
        command += mode'Rebooting TV' + f' in mode [bold green]{mode}[bold green]' if mode else '' + ' ..')
    result =  self.__execute_command(command)
    if 'error' in result:
        Logger.error(f'Rebooting failed')
        return False
        Logger.success(f'Rebooted successfully')
        return True
def select_device(self, device_serial: str) ‑> bool

The function selects a device based on its serial number.


device_serial : str
The device_serial parameter is a string that represents the serial number of a device.


True if the device is found and selected.
Expand source code
def select_device(self, device_serial: str) -> bool:
    The function selects a device based on its serial number.
        device_serial (str): The `device_serial` parameter is a string that represents the serial
            number of a device.
        Boolean: True if the device is found and selected.
    if device_serial in self.__devices:
        self.__selected_device = device_serial
        Logger.success(f'Selected device: [bold blue]{self.__selected_device}[/bold blue]')
        return True
        Logger.error(f'Device: [bold blue]{device_serial}[/bold blue] is not found')
        return False
def send_keyevent_input(self, keycode: KeyCodes, long_press: bool = False)

The function executes an adb shell command to send key event input that simulates pressing button keys.


keycode : KeyCode
the keycode to send, table of key codes:
long_press : bool
specify if simulate a long press for the key or not. Defaults to False.
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def send_keyevent_input(self, keycode: KeyCodes, long_press: bool=False):
    The function executes an adb shell command to send key event input that simulates pressing button keys.
        keycode (KeyCode): the keycode to send, table of key codes:
        long_press (bool): specify if simulate a long press for the key or not. Defaults to False.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    command = f'input keyevent {}'
    if long_press:
        command += ' --longpress'
def send_text_input(self, text: str, encode_spaces: bool = True)

The function executes an adb shell command to send text input.


text : str
the text string to send.
encode_spaces : bool
specify if spaces should be replaced by %s or not. Defaults to True.
Expand source code
def send_text_input(self, text: str, encode_spaces: bool=True):
    The function executes an adb shell command to send text input.
        text (str): the text string to send.
        encode_spaces (bool): specify if spaces should be replaced by `%s` or not. Defaults to True.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    processed_text = text.replace(' ', '%s') if encode_spaces else text
    self.execute_shell_command(f'input text {processed_text}')
def start_app(self, package: str, activity: str, wait: bool = True, stop: bool = True) ‑> bool | None

The function starts an Android app with the specified package and activity, optionally waiting for the launch to complete and stopping the app before starting the activity.


package : str
The package parameter is a string that represents the package name of the Android application you want to start. This is typically the unique identifier for the app and is specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file of the app.
activity : str
The "activity" parameter refers to the specific activity or screen within the Android app that you want to start. An activity represents a single screen with a user interface, and it is the basic building block of an Android app. Each activity has a unique name that is specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file
wait : bool
The "wait" parameter is a boolean value that determines whether the command should wait for the launch to complete before returning. If set to True, the command will wait for the launch to complete. If set to False, the command will not wait and will return immediately after starting the activity. Defaults to True
stop : bool
The "stop" parameter is a boolean value that determines whether to force stop the target app before starting the activity. If it is set to True, the target app will be stopped before starting the activity. If it is set to False, the target app will not be stopped. Defaults to True


Boolean indicates if app starting process is successful. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def start_app(self, package: str, activity: str, wait: bool=True, stop: bool=True) -> bool|None:
    The function starts an Android app with the specified package and activity, optionally waiting
    for the launch to complete and stopping the app before starting the activity.
        package (str): The package parameter is a string that represents the package name of the
            Android application you want to start. This is typically the unique identifier for the app and
            is specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file of the app.
        activity (str): The "activity" parameter refers to the specific activity or screen within the
            Android app that you want to start. An activity represents a single screen with a user
            interface, and it is the basic building block of an Android app. Each activity has a unique name
            that is specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file
        wait (bool): The "wait" parameter is a boolean value that determines whether the command
            should wait for the launch to complete before returning. If set to True, the command will wait
            for the launch to complete. If set to False, the command will not wait and will return
            immediately after starting the activity. Defaults to True
        stop (bool): The "stop" parameter is a boolean value that determines whether to force stop the
            target app before starting the activity. If it is set to True, the target app will be stopped
            before starting the activity. If it is set to False, the target app will not be stopped.
            Defaults to True
        Boolean indicates if app starting process is successful. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    # check if app is installed
    if not self.is_installed(package):
        return False
    command = 'am start '
    # wait for launch to complete
    if wait:
        command += '-W '
    if stop: # force stop the target app before starting the activity
        command += '-S '
    command += f'{package}/{activity}''Starting app: [bold green]{package}[/bold green] ..')
    result = self.execute_shell_command(command)
    if 'Error' in result:
        Logger.error(f'Starting app [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] failed')
        return False
        Logger.success(f'App: [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] started successfully')
        return True
def start_server(self) ‑> bool

The function start_server starts an ADB server and waits for it to start up.


Boolean indicating whether the server is running or not.

Expand source code
def start_server(self) -> bool:
    The function `start_server` starts an ADB server and waits for it to start up.
        Boolean indicating whether the server is running or not.
    """'Starting ADB server..')
    # start the adb server as background process
    self.__server_process = self.__execute_command('start-server', blocking=False, include_selected_serial=False)
    # give time to start up
    if self.__server_process:
        Logger.success('ADB server is started')
        return True
        Logger.error(f'Unable to start ADB server')
        return False
def stop_app(self, package: str) ‑> bool | None

The function stops an Android app with the specified package.


package : str
The package parameter is a string that represents the package name of the app you want to stop.


Boolean indicates if app stopping process is successful. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def stop_app(self, package: str) -> bool|None:
    The function stops an Android app with the specified package.
        package (str): The package parameter is a string that represents the package name of the app
            you want to stop.
        Boolean indicates if app stopping process is successful. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
        return'Stopping app: [bold green]{package}[/bold green] ..')
    result =  self.execute_shell_command(f'am force-stop {package}')
    if 'Error' in result:
        Logger.error(f'Stopping app [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] failed')
        return False
        Logger.success(f'App: [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] stopped successfully')
        return True
def uninstall(self, package: str, keep_data: bool = False) ‑> bool | None

The uninstall function removes an app package from a device, with an option to keep the data and cache directories.


package : str
The package parameter is a string that represents the app package name that you want to uninstall from the device.
keep_data : bool
A boolean parameter that determines whether to keep the data and cache directories of the app package when uninstalling. If set to True, the directories will be kept. If set to False (default), the directories will be removed along with the app package. Defaults to False


Boolean indicates if uninstalling process is successful. None if no device found.

Expand source code
def uninstall(self, package: str, keep_data: bool=False) -> bool|None:
    The `uninstall` function removes an app package from a device, with an option to keep the data
    and cache directories.
        package (str): The package parameter is a string that represents the app package name that you
            want to uninstall from the device.
        keep_data (bool): A boolean parameter that determines whether to keep the data and cache
            directories of the app package when uninstalling. If set to True, the directories will be kept.
            If set to False (default), the directories will be removed along with the app package. Defaults
            to False
        Boolean indicates if uninstalling process is successful. `None` if no device found.
    if self.__selected_device is None:
    command = 'uninstall '
    if keep_data:
        command += '-k '
    command += package
    message = f'Uninstalling package [bold green]{package}[/bold green]'
    message += 'while keeping the data' if keep_data else ''
    message += ', it will took up to 2 minutes to complete..'
    result = self.__execute_command(command)
    if 'Success' in result:
        Logger.success(f'Package [bold blue]{package}[/bold blue] is uninstalled successfully')
        return True
        Logger.error(f'Uninstalling process failed')
        return False